Tornedalen Finnish NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-fit

Test diary

This document writes down test statistics

The overal test command is make check. Other commands are described below.

Lexical coverage

Number of words (standing in lang-fit):

cat test/data/freecorpus.txt |\
hfst-tokenise tools/tokenisers/tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst |wc -l

Number of unknown words:

cat test/data/freecorpus.txt |\
 hfst-tokenise tools/tokenisers/tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst |\
 preprocess --corr=test/data/typos.txt|\
 hfst-tokenise -cg tools/tokenisers/tokeniser-disamb-gt-desc.pmhfst |\
 grep " ?"|cut -d'"' -f2|wc -l

Lexical coverage of freecorpus

The file is test/data/freecorpus.txt.


Lexical coverage of free + bound


Speller suggestions

The table shows the number of typos tested, as well as some data for suggestions.

             typos      Avrg pos        % missp        % missp
             .txt       for corr        in 1st         in top-5     
240411:        11        1.40           72.73          90.91        
240422:       150        1.35           66.67          78.52       
240422b:      150        1.05           77.61          80.60       
240424:       220        1.11           81.96          85.57       

The number of typos is only 11 and the table is given as an illustration only.

Lemma coverage

make check measures in how many cases the generator is not able to generate the baseforms of each lemma. The following table tells how often it fails.

Date A Prop N V
240411 0 17 32 19
240425 0 17 36 19
240503 0 17 43 17

The files counted are found in the catalogue test/src/morphology, and the files are:



Test with the command: sh test/

230428:  gt-norm fst(s): PASSES: 3176 / FAILS:  4 / TOTAL: 3180
240425:  gt-norm fst(s): PASSES: 3180 / FAILS: 18 / TOTAL: 3198
240430:  gt-norm fst(s): PASSES: 3128 / FAILS: 70 / TOTAL: 3198
240501:  gt-norm fst(s): PASSES: 3170 / FAILS: 28 / TOTAL: 3198
240502:  gt-norm fst(s): PASSES: 3142 / FAILS: 56 / TOTAL: 3198
240503:  gt-norm fst(s): PASSES: 3180 / FAILS: 24 / TOTAL: 3204