Tornedalen Finnish NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-fit

Documenting the file for meänkieli verbs

This file documents the file for Meänkieli verb stems.

First, it gives an nverview of the continuation lexica, and thereafter it sketches their actual content.

Overview over the continuation lexica

Continuation lexica for regular verbs

Continuation lexica for irregular verbs

The verb lexica themselves

The rest of the file contains some 5500 verbs.

Irregular verbs

v1 sanoa, lukea

v2 tryykätä

v3 syödä, juoda

v4 tulla, mennä

v5 tarvita

v6 paeta

Then comes the long list

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/stems/verbs.lexc