Finnish NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-fin

Digits and such expressions

Digit-strings are used in place of numerals. They inflect with colon, like acronyms, and compound with hyphen only.

Digits are constructed as several cyclic structures: integers, decimals or roman numerals. Zero alone works quite differently:

**LEXICON ARABICLOOP_pirinen ** essentially allows any number-sign combination, but is like the other lgs

**LEXICON ARABICLOOP_pirinen ** is for entries not looping back

The digit strings that end in 10 to 12 + 6n 0’s are inflected alike:

The digit strings that end in 6 to 9 + 6n 0’s are inflected alike:

Decimal digit strings start with any number of digits 0 to 9, followed by decimal separator comma. The decimal dot may be allowed as substandard variant.

The decimal digit strings end in any number of digits 0 to 9, inflected along the last part.

The decimal digit strings with dot may be allowed as sub-standard option with respective analysis.

Roman numerals with inflection

Roman numerals are composed the symbols M, D, C, L, X, V, I in ascending scale and some combinations, they denote ordinal numbers and inflect like ones.

Main lexicon for roman digits

This lexicon divides into four groups

Roman numerals according to digital class, one by one

Roman thousands

Thousands can be followed by any of other parts

Roman hundreds

Hundreds can be followed by anything but thousands:

Roman tens

Tens can be followed by ones:

Roman ones

Ones come alone

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/stems/digits.lexc