Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources
Now splitting according to POS, and according to dot or not
First collecting POS info, *-noun, *-adv, etc. Also splitting when in doubt: -noun-adj => -noun and -adj Then pointing to two contlexes, a dot-one and a non-dot-one.
**LEXICON ab-dot-noun ** This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
**LEXICON ab-dot-adj ** This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
**LEXICON nodot-infl **
**LEXICON dot-infl **
"kvæð" ABBR Gram/IAbbr N Abbr
in tokeniser mode also:"ABBR Gram/IAbbr N Abbr
+ "." CLB
to account for sentence
final kvæð with no extra full stop."kvæða" V Imp Sg
+ "." CLB
due to
Same treatment is done with two and three full stops after abbreviation in
the end of the sentence:"su" Adv Abbr
+ "." CLB Err/Orth
"su" Adv Abbr
+ "..." CLB
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/abbreviations.lexc