Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources
LEXICON NregLoc for C-final, points to precases or to ordinary Nreg
LEXICON NaLoc for a-final, points to precases or to Na
LEXICON Precases , nouns that can denote a location, they can take another case in addition
LEXICON Nreg for regular nouns, adding +N and pointing to Xreg
LEXICON Xreg common lexicon for regular nominals (A, N)
LEXICON NregBizi for the bizi ones
LEXICON Na Vowel-final
LEXICON NaBizi for the vowel-final bizi ones
LEXICON Bizidun after animate noun phrases
LEXICON SgCases1 first group
LEXICON SgCases2 second group
LEXICON SgCases3 third group
LEXICON PlCases1 plural first gropu
LEXICON PlCases2 plural second group
LEXICON PlCases3 plural third group
LEXICON MggCases1 first group
LEXICON MggCases2 second group
LEXICON MggCases3 third group
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/affixes/nouns.lexc