Plains Cree NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

View the project on GitHub giellalt/lang-crk

Meeting Jan 16

Participants: Antti, Conor, Trond - later: Sjur



syllabics conversion



Trond to:

Sjur to:

Conor to:


How to have a speller

go to langs/crk, and issue these commands:

./configure --with-hfst --enable-spellers
sudo make install

To update the speller:

To repeat this on Windows:

Text for the presentation


The text:

nitêminân nipâw sisone iskwatemihk.
dog+N+Pl1Ex sleeps+V beside+PART door+N+LOC

waniskâw kîkisepâ.
wakes.up+V morning+N 

waniskâw ekwa nohtekatew.
wakes.up+V and+PART is.hungry+V

wâpahtam ôskanisis wiyâkanihk ekwa mîciw.
sees+V bone+N+DIM bowl+N+LOC and+PART eats+V

ekota-ohci nôhkwâtam wiyâkan.
here.from+PART licks+V bowl+N

keyâpic nohtekatew ekwa kâwe nipâw.
still+PART is.hungry+V and+PART again+PART sleeps+V

Issues to fix:


Working with a productive analyser for now.

yaml files

Conor has checked files and added verb types. Different verb types are to be checked in.


Subjunctive prefix ê-

In writing:


Two prefixes in lexc:

and then to h deletion before %^eh in twolc

The tag is now +Sbj, an alternative is +Conjunct mode, +Cnj, so we could do that.

Decided: Use +Cnj


More words in the dictionary, especially the words of the text. Input here: comma separated stuff to crkeng/inc/:


cat inc/nouns.csv 
atim	n	dog
inini	n	man	
nâpês	n	boy	
apiscacihkos	n	antelope
mâyatihk	n	bighorn sheep
atihk	n	caribou
apisimôsnos	n	deer
wâwaskêsniw	n	elk
mistatim	n	horse
môswa	n	moose
maskwa	n	bear
okistatowân	n	grizzly bear
wâpask	n	polar bear
sîsîp	n	duck
môhkomân	n	knife
sakâw	n	soup
mîcimâpo	n	soup
sîsîpâwi	n	duck egg
wâwi	n	egg
iskwêw	n	woman
nipâw	v	sleep
wâpam	v	see

      <l pos="N">sakâw</l>
        <t pos="N">soup</t>

Results to be added to


Procedure for updating the dictionary (needed: account on the gtweb machine):


(with pikiskwewina or guusaaw as the variable for DICT)

  1. Log in to the server via SSH as the NDS user
    in the following way: \ ssh \ with a password
  2. Then follow the instructions on the page

Length on ê

Many writers do not write ê. The analyser handles both, but we should consistently always write e.g. with macron in the code.