Okimâsis s. 26-27:
- -k => ohk
- atâwêwikamik => atâwêwikamikohk
- âhkosîwikamik => âhkosîwikamikohk
- mêtawêwikamik => mêtawêwikamikohk
- -aw, -ay => drop -aw, -ay, add âhk
- ôtênaw => ôtênâhk
- ispatinaw => ispatinâhk
- mêskanaw => mêskanâhk
- naniway => naniwâhk (Loc not in FST)
- -iy => drop -iy, add ihk
- asiniy => asinihk
- nitisiy => nitisihk
- -oy => drop -oy, add ôhk
- mîcimâpoy => mîcimâpôhk
- sîwâpoy => sîwâpôhk
- generally AN: êw => drop -w, add nâhk
- iskwêw => iskwênâhk
- nâpêw => nâpênâhk NB: only Loc nâpêwihk in FST
- âmôw => âmônâhk (in FST: âmow => âmôhk)
- -inâhk to some AN nouns
- nêhiyaw-pwât => nêhiyaw-pwâtinâhk (not in FST)
- -onâhk to some nouns
- mostos => mostosonâhk (in FST: mostos => mostosohk)
- Workshop June 2014: There are really two “locatives” since with humans and animals you get -inâhk which is really a distributive marker. NB: mostosinahk = “Buffalo country” (lit. ‘among the buffalo’) and is lexicalized. Sasinâhk = Sarci country (Tsuut’ina). AW thinks ‘nation’ could be translation for -inâhk derived forms.
NS152 introductory course book:
Locative suffixes -ihk, -ohk, -hk translate as “in the, on the, at the, to the, from the” (-inâhk is not mentioned)
- for nouns with k-endings use “ohk”, ex. atâwew’kamikohk
- for nouns with semi-vowel endings use “hk” - delete the semi-vowel, lengthen the preceding vowel and add “hk”, ex. ôtenaw → ôtenâhk
- for all other nouns use “ihk”, ex. tehtapiwin → tehtapiwinihk
- ANimDECLnaahk for humans and animals for giving only collective Loc, -inâhk