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Verb morphophonology

There are some morphophonological processes in Ojibwe, though there may be some dialect variation.


Some dialects may also have nin- before gii-, as well as there is some dialectical variation for the whole process.

Preterite segmental changes

This process does not affect stems beginning in dan-, dazh-, das-, dash-, or daa-. These have prefix en-.

There are some other changes too: the place prefix bi- ‘here, hither’ ➔ ba-

There is also some vowel insertion between the preterite form and consonants. usually /a/?


Reduplication of certain segments occurs, somewhat complex.

	a    ➔   aya
	aa   ➔   aayaa
	e    ➔   eye
	i    ➔   ayi
	o    ➔   wawo, wawi
	Ca   ➔   CaCa
	Caa  ➔   CaaCaa
	Ce   ➔   CeCe
	Ci   ➔   CaCi
	Cii  ➔   CaaCii
	Co   ➔   CaCo
	Coo  ➔   CaaCoo

source - James A. Starkey jr: Ojibwe Lesson 6