Apurinã NLP Grammar

Finite state and Constraint Grammar based analysers, proofing tools and other resources

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The Apurinã morphophonological/twolc rules file

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This file documents the phonology.twolc file

**%^VowRM:0 ** this will remove stem final vowel **%^VowNasL:0 ** This will nasalize preceding vowel **%^VowY2I:0 ** This will change stem-final y to i

Rule: Deleting %{hØ%}

arika+V+ScSg1+Oc3F: set on fire

Rule: **Deleting %{yiØ%}:0 **

Rule: **Deleting %{ỹĩØ%}:0 **

Rule: Deleting stem-final a before NomAct -inhi myteka+V+Der+Der/NomAct+N+Sg+Nom: run›running/corrir›corrida

Rule: Realizing %{hØ%}:h ** nhika+V+ScSg1+Oc3F: **I ate it(Fem)/

Rule: Realizing %{yiØ%}:y LEFT ARROW

Rule: Realizing %{yiØ%}:y RIGHT ARROW

Rule: Realizing %{yiØ%}:i LEFT ARROW

Rule: **Realizing %{yiØ%}:ỹ **

Rule: **Realizing %{ỹĩØ%}:ĩ **

Rule: non-nasal a

Rule: non-nasal u

Rule: nasal ã

Rule: nasal ũ

Rule: nasalization with -ka passive marker

Rule: nasalization with sg3f

Rule: nasalization with -Ntxi y:ỹ

y to i with -Y2Itxi y:i

Rule: nasalization with -Ntxi y:ĩ

This (part of) documentation was generated from src/fst/morphology/phonology.twolc