
GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology.

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Management script (fab)

(The script is called, and the command is fab, because previously the Fabric library was used for this purpose, but later we moved away from Fabric, but we kept the same 3-letter command.)

The fab command is used to do management, both on the server, and while developing.

Quick usage help of fab is documented in a MOTD message when logging on to the server, as well as with --help adding to the commands. For example fab --help (for overall help), or fab compile --help (help with the compile command).



(Aliases up, update-dict, update-dicts, update-dictionary, update-dictionaries).

Usage: fab update PROJECT

The update command updates the dictionaries. It reads the config file for PROJECT, and uses gut to git pull dict-* on all dict-xxx-yyy that the config file has listed as dictionaries.


(Aliases compile, compile-dict, compile-dicts, compile-dictionary compile-dictionaries).

Usage: fab compile PROJECT

The compile command will compile (or merge) all <e> tags found in all .xml source files, into one big .xml file, and stored in dicts/xxx-yyy.xml, where xxx and yyy are the languages. It will do this for all dictionaries defined in the PROJECTs configuration file. It uses gut to find the repositories of the dictionaries.

By default, it will skip dictionary compilation if it detects that the already existing dicts/xxx-yyy.xml file is newer than all of the source .xml files found in the dictionary repository. If you want to force a re-compilation anyway, run it with the -f or --force argument. For example, fab compile sanit --force will re-create all dictionaries belonging to the sanit instance.


(Aliases restart, restart-service).

Usage: fab restart PROJECT

Literally just executes sudo systemctl restart nds-PROJECT, restarting the systemd service for the instance. It will only make sense, and work, on the server.

It’s also possible to run fab restart all to restart all services. It does this sequentially, so it takes some time waiting for each instance to start up in turn.


Usage: fab dev PROJECT

Start a development server for that instance. configs/PROJECT.config.yaml must exist and be configured, even when development locally.


(Aliases list-projects, ls).

Usage: fab list-projects [-i|--include-inactive] [-d|--include-dicts]

In the form without any parameters, it will show a list of all projects which has an existing config file. Use the -i (or --include-inactive) argument to also include the config files with the .in suffix. Use -d (or --include-dicts) to show a list of which dictionaries the instances contain.


strings is a subcommand with 2 child commands: compile and extract. They are used for updating translation strings.

fab strings compile

Run pybabel to compile translation strings found in .po files in the translations/ folder to .mo files.

fab strings extract

Extracts translation strings to template- and *.po files


(Aliases test, test-config, test-configuration).

Usage: fab test PROJECT

Run a test against a project.


Usage: fab add-stem

Adds stem information to the smenob dictionary.