
Nursing tterminology project, public repository

View the Project on GitHub giellalt/term-sme-x-nursing

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If there is a term in Termwiki then we will use it.

This is all too careful.

https://skosmos.dev.finto.fi/yso/en/page/p19097?clang=se dikšundáhkádus

persistent identifiers – of urn – digitised materials millions of urns on a general level these identifiers document in libraries we s isbn = book shelf location = exemplar =

one book has one isbn and several shelf locations

this is similar to:

urn = one url = many

permantent urns to everything the library

extending this to ontologies and collections so that terms have urns as well

this is different from doi. doi can only be used according to rules accross doi providers.

some people think url is sufficient because you can redirect to new location but there are problems – new owners of domains want no redirecrtion

book = a string (given that it is one urn for each language version)

term = a concept (given that different languages of the same concept share an urn)

so: a concept is a form-content pair. wawe length – all lgs sharing the urn?

wawe length = abstract concept

wawe length = physical term wawe length = natural language = meaning “in understanding”