
GiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages, and streamlines building anything from keyboards to speech technology.

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Fabric is a Python library used to execute shell commands, both locally, and remotely over SSH.


Fabric should already have been installed as a part of installing the requirements for NDS using pip. You may of course install it manually like this: python3 -m pip install Fabric.

How to use Fabric – in general

To use Fabric, issue fab in the terminal followed by one or more commands. To see all available commands, issue fab --list.


    $ fab sanit runserver
    $ fab baakoeh restart-service
    $ fab restart-running

Our Fabric commands

Our most used commands require that we with the first argument specify which project the following arguments concern (sanit/baakoeh, …). Only one project may be specified at a time.

To read in-code documentation of each command, issue fab --help COMMAND, e.g. fab --help compile.

Commands that require a project name

    $ fab PROJECT compile
    $ fab PROJECT compile-dictionary
    $ fab PROJECT compile-fst
    $ fab PROJECT restart-service
    $ fab PROJECT runserver
    $ fab PROJECT test-project              # not in use
    $ fab PROJECT test-configuration

Commands that use, but do not need, a project name

These two commands compile/extract all strings if no project is specified. Othersie they compile/extract only the relevant strings for that project.

    $ fab [PROJECT] compile-strings
    $ fab [PROJECT] extract-strings

Commands that do not use a specified project name

    $ fab add-stem2dict     # only concerns sme-nob.all.xml
    $ fab doctest           # not in use
    $ fab find-babel
    $ fab find-running
    $ fab restart-running
    $ fab test-running      # not in use
    $ fab unittests         # not in use
    $ fab update-gtsvn
    $ fab update-repo
    $ fab update-strings
    $ fab where-is

How Fabric works

Fabric invokes methods which are defined in the the file and decorated with @task.

It is possible to tell Fabric to invoke several methods in succession, which is what we do when we first give Fabric a dictionary name and then commands to run on that name. Take fab sanit runserver as an example. First, the method set_proj (which sanit is an alias to) sets the variable config.current_dict to "sanit". Then runserver reads that config value and starts the specified server.

Note that the underscores in method names are converted to hyphens in command names. Thus fab restart-running invokes the method restart_running.

A closer look at some commands


This command tries restarting the server process in two ways. The second one is the one currently in use in practice.

  1. If a file called PROJECT.wsgi exists, e.g. sanit.wsgi, touch it to restart the service.
  2. If this file does not exist, run the command sudo service nds-PROJECT restart.

    Further reading